Based on my most recent blog, just as a corporation can become a very negative and fear-filled environment for people to work in, it has been my experience that the situation can be turned around.
It takes an understanding of the root causes of those components and processes that are responsible for creating and nurturing negativity.
The author covered some of these components in pasts blogs, and in the book Leadership: Where Business Ethics Begin. In most cases, it can usually be tracked to one individual possessing a very unique set of skills and position.
The behavior demonstrated at the recent national joint session of Congress by the minority party indicated that the negative behavior was nurtured by the party’s historical past dogma, and intensity.
Party individuals historically have been personally ostracized by the party, ending individual careers and livelihoods if a direction was not followed in lockstep fashion. That included falsehoods in some cases, as the current legal focus has developed.
It is now believed that the “end justifies the means,” rather than “balance and justice” being the ultimate objective and goal This perspective dates back sixty-plus years within legal training and education at all levels.
That is what was responsible for the behaviors of the party, even its honorable patriots.
So let’s begin with the root causes of this very terrible turn around situation.
Let the author again point out that any negative environment is due to its participants’ lack of 180-degree vision. Additional discussion will follow in the next blog.